Web3 Storage Meetup

Darren RoganThe Chief

We recently had the opportunity to give a talk at the Gold Coast Blockchain Meetup, where we were delighted to see some new faces in attendance. During the event, we had the pleasure of chatting with Professor Elizabeth Chang, who can be seen on the left of the image.

Our talk primarily focused on metadata, which is essentially data about data. Specifically, we discussed the storage of digital assets and how NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) can be used as a digital asset register. We explained that NFTs are a generic standard with some OpenSea conventions, which point to the location of the metadata and define the location of the actual asset. It's worth noting that these standards and conventions do not dictate where the data should be stored.

We then went on to discuss the various storage options available for digital assets. This included a detailed discussion on the pros and cons of each option, such as IPFS, Filecoin, Arweave, Cloud Storage, AWS, S33, and Google Cloud. We also touched on the differences between "on-chain" and "in-chain" storage options.

As part of our talk, we also described the Bitcoin Ordinal project and explained the differences between the UTXO model and smart contract registers.

To conclude the talk, we announced the release of our new metabaker hardhat plugin. This plugin utilizes NFT.Storage and can decentralize existing centralized project storage. We plan to cover this topic in more detail in another article.

Overall, it was a great event, and we'd love for you to join us at the next Gold Coast Blockchain meetup. You can find more information and register for the event at http://bit.ly/gcblockchain.